
交叉引用: 停车和个人交通政策.00

适用性: This Operating Procedure applies to the 哪个app可以赌足球 (“赌钱app可以微信提现” or “College”) campus community, 包括所有学生, 人员, 和游客.

目的:  The objective of this Operating Procedure is to establish procedures regarding parking, 在赌钱app可以微信提现的违规和上诉.


Only vehicles and personal transportation devices authorized pursuant to the 停车及个人交通 Policy 640.00可以在大学校园内操作. Authorized vehicles do not need to be registered with 赌钱app可以微信提现 to be operated on campus and park in general parking areas on campus.

I. 在哪里停车

There are several parking lots and - parking garages on the 赌钱app可以微信提现 main campus and at other campus locations. It can be difficult to find a close parking space on the main campus, especially between 8:30 a.m. 中午,所以车辆经营者应该留出额外的停车时间.

II. 票,罚款 & 拖

车辆所有者和/或运输设备运营商将被罚款, 因下列违规行为被罚款及/或拖走:

  • 如有要求,未出示停车许可证
  • 在限定区域内停车,如只有许可证的停车场
  • 在“禁止停车”区域停车
  • 把车停在草地或人行道上
  • 停车 in Accessible 停车 without the proper display of a state-issued accessible placard or license tag
  • 在装货区/服务区停车
  • 在行人专用区或十字路口停车
  • 把车停在路边或消防车道旁
  • 停车 beyond the 30-minute or one-hour limit where such a time limit is designated
  • 以一种对交通造成危险或阻碍的方式停车
  • 未经授权过夜停车
  • 废弃的汽车
  • Improper parking in spaces designated for charging of electric vehicles (including parking non-electric vehicles or parking for longer than the posted maximum time limit)
  • Any other improper parking, including yellow pads and over yellow line in parking stalls
  • 滑板的使用/操作, 滚筒叶片, 非机动踏板车或电子个人辅助移动装置(EPAMDs), 包括电动踏板车, 悬浮滑板和自平衡电动滑板车, 除非根据赌钱app可以微信提现访问服务指南允许

罚款:在无障碍泊车处违例停车所发出的罚票除外, 哪些将被罚款并由当地市法院处理, 第一次违反停车和个人交通政策.否则将被罚款10美元. 任何后续违规将导致罚款20美元,每增加一次违规.

罚款必须在违规行为发生后10个工作日内支付. 罚款可以在网上支付,也可以从上午8点开始在SC 113的赌钱app可以微信提现财务处支付.m. 至下午5时.m. 罚款亦可邮寄至:

Overland Park, KS 66210-1299
收信人:会计办公室,SC 113, 3号包厢

拖: 在下列情况下,车辆可被拖离赌钱app可以微信提现物业:

Any vehicle or other personal property is parked illegally or placed in such a manner as to constitute a hazard or obstruction to the movement of traffic,
The driver/owner of any vehicle is taken into custody by the 赌钱app可以微信提现警察 Department or other local police department and the individual’s vehicle is parked illegally or is not reasonably expected to be moved within 24 hours,
发现任何车辆, which the 赌钱app可以微信提现警察 Department has reasonable grounds to believe has been involved in an accident, 司机呢?, owner or person in charge thereof has failed to comply with the provisions of state and city laws relating to the reporting of accidents to the police department and the exchange of information at accident scenes,
A vehicle is deemed by the 赌钱app可以微信提现警察 Department to have been abandoned by failure of the owner to respond to attempts to notify the owner (including vehicles on campus as part of an instructional course), or
由于火灾,为了公共安全,有必要搬迁, 洪水, 风暴或其他紧急原因.

3. 其他赌钱app可以微信提现校区

Drivers are expected to adhere to these procedures at all other 赌钱app可以微信提现 campuses in addition to the main campus. 在其他校园地点, drivers may be subject to additional applicable parking and personal transportation rules, including but not limited to ticketing and towing by local law enforcement or other non-赌钱app可以微信提现 entities. 这些罚单/拖曳不得上诉到赌钱app可以微信提现.

IV. 如何就违例停车/交通提出上诉

停车 and personal transportation violations issued by 赌钱app可以微信提现 that have not been referred to a municipal court may be appealed when personal transportation and vehicle owners/operators believe a ticket was incorrectly issued or a fine should be waived due to extenuating circumstances. 拖拽不得上诉.

Appeals of tickets must be submitted on the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Appeal Form (hard copies available at the Student Information Desk in the Student Center) and received by the 赌钱app可以微信提现警察 Department in the Midwest Trust Center, CC 115, 在机票签发后的(10)个工作日内, 否则就丧失上诉权. 填妥的表格亦可邮寄至:

Overland Park, KS 66210

上诉由联合合作委员会警察局指定的一名官员审查. The decision of the designated officer will then be communicated to the appealing party in writing.

Following are situations that are typically not accepted as valid extenuating circumstances for violating the 停车及个人交通 Policy 640.停车和个人交通操作程序640.01:

  • 对这些政策或程序缺乏了解或不熟悉.
  • An appeal based on how long a driver was in violation of the 赌钱app可以微信提现 停车及个人交通 Policy. The 赌钱app可以微信提现警察 Department will issue a citation to any vehicle parked in violation of 赌钱app可以微信提现 Policy and 程序 regardless of how long that violation has been occurring. An appeal that states that the violation of Policy was only for two minutes, five minutes, etc.,被认为是无效的.
  • 基于需要按时上课/上班/约会的上诉. 在赌钱app可以微信提现校园里,通常需要几分钟才能找到一个停车位. 司机必须留出足够的时间来找到一个合法的停车位.
  • 以目的地附近没有停车位为由提出的上诉. 停车 spaces are very competitive, and a space in a specific lot is not guaranteed. 司机必须把车停在指定的车位上.
  • 上诉的依据是课堂上没有上课. 全年都实行停车限制. 在晚上或周末对违规行为的申诉. All parking and personal transportation restrictions are enforced 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
  • An appeal based on the appealing party’s assertion that she/he did not see the sign or line markings. 司机有责任注意并遵守所有张贴的标志, 注意事项及划线.
  • 以司机忘记携带学院许可证为由提出的上诉. Drivers must display a permit in order to park legally in areas where permits are required. Drivers who forget their permits must notify the 赌钱app可以微信提现警察 Department or park in areas that do not require permits. 基于车辆故障的上诉. Drivers who experience a vehicle malfunction and cannot move their vehicles should contact the 赌钱app可以微信提现警察 Department for assistance first. Short-term authorization to remain parked may be received from the 赌钱app可以微信提现警察 Department.
  • 使用四向危险闪光灯. Four-way flashers are designed to warn other motorists that a vehicle may be a hazard. 使用四向闪光灯不允许司机非法停车 时间长度

V. 如果车辆被拖走

联络赌钱app可以微信提现警察局,停车管制员, 停车Control@philboardport.com 或电话:913-469-8500,分机. 4216.

VI. 符合LEED标准的低排放车辆和拼车停车位和许可证

停车 spaces are reserved for LEED Qualifying Low Emission Vehicles at the Olathe Health Education Center (OHEC) and the Wylie Hospitality and Culinary Academy (WHCA). OHEC提供拼车停车位. 未来的校园建筑可能也会在停车场设置这样的空间. These spaces are provided as part of 赌钱app可以微信提现’s efforts to certify new buildings as 领导 in Energy & 环境设计(LEED)建筑由美国.S. 绿色建筑委员会.


采用日期:2013年1月17日(以前版本:324).00 – Student 停车; 324.01- Regular; 324.02 – Handicapped; 324.03 – Bicycles; 324.04 -滑板和轮滑板和419.12)
修订日期:2016年4月21日(上一版本:《赌钱app可以微信提现》640.01), 07/16/2020