
Cross Reference: 停职、降职及解雇上诉操作程序.02

Applicability: This Policy applies to all 哪个app可以赌足球 (“赌钱app可以微信提现” or the “College”) employees.

Purpose: The purpose of this Policy is to govern employee suspension, demotion and termination.


A. 停职、降职、终止事由

The College expects professional, courteous and respectful behavior from all of its employees. The following is a non-exhaustive list of valid reasons or causes for suspension, 降职或解雇任何员工.

  1. 取消职位或计划.
  1. Activity which could adversely reflect upon the College or impair effectiveness on the job.
  1. Commission of acts which could cause or result in disruption of the operation of classes or other activities at the College or which could endanger the safety of persons or property.
  1. 对犯罪行为的定罪. (如果雇用有重罪的雇员, and it is revealed at the time of employment and made a matter of record in the employee's personnel file, that conviction shall not constitute a reason for subsequent non-renewal or termination.)
  1. 不诚实或伪造信息.
  1. Failure to comply with any College policy, operating procedure, or rules or any laws or regulations.
  1. Failure to comply with reasonable requirements of the job, as may be prescribed from time to time.
  1. 未能保持所需的培训、认证或许可.
  1. 无能,无能:在履行职责方面效率低下或无能.
  1. Insubordination or failure to comply with and carry out reasonable directives of supervisor(s).
  1. 收入不足.
  1. Mental or physical unfitness which renders the employee incapable of satisfactorily performing essential job functions.
  1. Neglect of duty.
  1. Negligent, 粗心或不当使用学院财产, 资源或资金或未经授权使用学校财产, 个人使用的资源或资金.
  1. Reduction in staff.
  1. 旷工:未经批准的旷工或过度旷工. Failure to appear for work may be treated as a resignation in accordance with the 辞职政策415.07.
  1. 擅自转换财产.
  1. Unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance or abuse of alcohol (as defined in the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and in the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989) by an employee on College property or as part of any College activities; or the failure of an employee to notify the College of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace as required by the Substance Abuse and Alcohol Policy 424.03.
  1. 不专业的行为.
  1. 违反书面合同.

B. 降职或终止通知

除非书面合同或法律另有规定, 大学员工的就业是随意的, and such employees may be demoted or terminated without cause and without any reason being given for such action.

无论何时员工的主管或指定人员, 在人力资源部主任的指导下, 决定员工是否应该降级或解雇, Human Resources will provide written notification signed by the supervisor or designee to the employee that such a recommendation will be made at an upcoming regular Board meeting or a special Board meeting.

If an employee is recommended for demotion or termination, the notice will include:

  1. 裁定的性质(i.e.、降职或解雇).
  1. 决定的原因.
  1. Any interim actions, such as administrative leave prior to Board consideration of the recommendation, 以及该行动的生效日期.
  1. An option to review the employee’s personnel file in accordance with the 人事档案政策.00.
  1. 雇员的上诉权(如适用). This requirement may be satisfied by citing or including a copy of the relevant policies.

未处于《哪个app可以赌足球》规定的试用期的员工 试用期政策.06 will receive two (2) weeks’ notice prior to Board consideration of a recommendation for demotion or termination.

However, employees subject to a written contract or to the provisions of K.S.A. 72-2251 et seq. 会收到终止通知吗, demotion, suspension or non-renewal in accordance with the written contract or the provisions of the law, respectively, to the extent that those provisions are inconsistent with this Policy. The fact that an employee's written contract has been renewed in the past shall not be deemed to create an expectation of continued employment beyond the written contract expiration date, nor shall it create any protected property interest in employment beyond the written contract expiration date.

C. Notice of Suspension

Employees may be suspended with or without pay if it is necessary to protect the best interests of the College. 无论何时员工的主管或指定人员, 在人力资源部主任的指导下, 决定员工是否应该被停职, Human Resources will provide the employee written notification signed by the supervisor or designee of the same. An employee may be suspended for a period up to thirty (30) business days.

D. Appeals

Employees may appeal a suspension or recommendation for demotion or termination, 基于以下理由:

  1. 程序上的不规范影响了事情的结果.
  1. New evidence that was not reasonably available at the time the determination was made that affected the outcome of the matter.


  1. 这名雇员被停薪停职.
  1. 雇员是兼职或临时雇员.
  1. The employee is not to be reappointed because of insufficient revenues, 取消职位或计划, 程序简化, failure of employee to satisfactorily complete the probationary period, or failure of the employee to maintain certification and/or licensing or provide satisfactory evidence thereof.

上诉的理由在哪里, the employee must submit a written appeal to the Office of the Vice President of Human Resources in writing within five (5) business days of the date the notice of suspension or recommendation of demotion or termination was delivered to the employee. 书面上诉必须详细说明上诉的理由. 上诉将按照 停职、降职及解雇上诉操作程序.02.

In the event a suspension is followed by a recommendation that the suspended employee be demoted or terminated, 任何暂停上诉的事项均无实际意义.

Date of Adoption:
Revised: 01/06/1994, 05/15/1997, 05/14/2015, 06/21/2018, 07/15/2021, 03/21/2024