
The 道德举报热线 is a confidential reporting “hotline” for ethical issues including or related to 赌钱app可以微信提现 or the 赌钱app可以微信提现基金会, 成立于2007年.

赌钱app可以微信提现 uses Navex Global, formerly EthicsPoint as its hotline provider.  College employees or any third party are encouraged to report ethical issues through already established channels. 然而, 这并不总是令人舒服的, 可能的, 或实际, so the 道德举报热线 is another option for reporting ethical concerns.

The 道德举报热线 is NOT an emergency line, 请 contact the 赌钱app可以微信提现警察 at x4111 if you are experiencing an emergency.

Use the 赌钱app可以微信提现 道德举报热线 to file an anonymous and confidential report.



In general, ethical issues are potential violations of law or 赌钱app可以微信提现 Policy.

What is an example of an ethical issue?

  • I think my co-worker is taking a kickback from one of our vendors
  • I feel I’m being discriminated against because of my religion
  • I witnessed my supervisor taking drugs
  • I believe my supervisor used a discriminatory hiring process

What is not an example of an ethical issue?

  • I don’t agree with my personnel evaluation
  • I couldn’t get time off from work when I wanted it
  • I shouldn’t be expected to go to a staff meeting, it’s a waste of time and resources
  • I don’t like the person my supervisor hired

Does management really want me to report?

当然有. 事实上,我们需要你来报到. You know what is going on at 赌钱app可以微信提现 - both good and bad. You may have initial knowledge of an activity that may be cause for concern. Your reporting can minimize the potential negative impact on the college and its people. 也, offering positive input may help identify issues that can improve 赌钱app可以微信提现’s culture and performance.

为什么我要报告我所知道的? 这对我有什么好处?

We all have the right to work in a positive environment and with that right comes the responsibility of acting in an ethical manner and letting the appropriate people know if someone is not acting appropriately. By working together, we can maintain a healthy and productive environment.

I am not sure what I have observed or heard is a violation of 赌钱app可以微信提现 policy, 或者涉及不道德的行为, but it just does not look right to me. 我该怎么办??

提交报告. EthicsPoint can help you prepare and file your report so it can be properly understood. We'd rather you report a situation that turns out to be harmless than let 可能的 unethical behavior go unchecked because you weren't sure.

What if I remember something important about the incident after I filed the report? Or what if 赌钱app可以微信提现 has further questions for me concerning my report?

When you file a report at the EthicsPoint Web site or through the EthicsPoint Call Center, you receive a unique user name and are asked to choose a password. You can return to the EthicsPoint system again either by Internet or telephone and access the original report to answer questions posed by a company representative and add further information that will help resolve open issues. We strongly suggest that you return to the site in the time specified to answer company questions. You and the company now have entered into an “anonymous dialogue” where situations are not only identified but can be resolved, 无论多么复杂.

Can I still file a report if I don’t have access to the Internet?

You can file an EthicsPoint report from any computer that can access the Internet. 你可以在家归档. Many public locations, including the public library, have Internet computers. If you don’t have access or are uncomfortable using a computer, you can call your EthicsPoint toll-free hotline 888-779-8076 which is available 24 hours a day, 一年365天.


是的, the entire system housed on Navex Global/EthicsPoint’s servers and ensures confidentiality and anonymity if the reporter wishes to remain anonymous. 除了, the system can be accessed from anywhere via the 1-800 number or from any computer with access to the web. Anonymous reporters are issued a report “key” that will allow them to communicate with investigators while remaining anonymous. Read further information about 道德举报热线 保密.