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Overnight 旅行 Operating Procedure 216.03
Johnson County Community College
Series: 200 Administrative Services
Section: 旅行 and Reimbursement of Expenses

Cross-Reference: Reimbursement of 旅行 Expenses Policy 216.01

适用性: This Operating Procedure applies to all Johnson County Community College (“赌钱app可以微信提现” or the “College”) Overnight 旅行.

目的: The purpose of this Operating Procedure is to establish procedures for approval and reimbursement of Overnight 旅行 and explain reimbursable expenses.


“Overnight 旅行” means College-related travel greater than 50 miles from the employee’s 赌钱app可以微信提现 work location that includes an overnight stay.


I. 旅行 Authorization and Approval:

A 旅行 Request must be completed in the College’s travel and expense reimbursement system prior to the departure date. The 旅行 Request must include estimated costs, purpose of travel and a copy of the official conference or meeting materials documenting scheduled dates of the event. 旅行申请中的详细信息和证明文件是否充分, business justification, and amount for each of the proposed travel expenses will be considered by the appropriate supervisor and budget administrator(s) when approving or denying a 旅行 Request. 可能还需要采购事务厅的额外核准. 旅行 outside the 48 contiguous U.S. 每个州都需要总统或其指定人员的批准. Any subsequent changes or additions to a previously approved travel request may require additional approvals.

If a trip is canceled, 旅行者应在学院的差旅和费用管理系统中取消请求. 如果旅客已支付任何不可退还的费用, 必须提交差旅费用报告才能获得报销. 旅行者有责任在要求报销之前获得所有可用的退款.

II. Expenses Covered:

A. 运输.

1. Airfare and Airline Fees: Expenses for coach airfare using routes, 提供最合理、最有效价格的航班和航空公司是可以报销的. 旅行ers are required to book airfare through the College’s travel and expense reimbursement system or approved travel agency unless prior approval has been obtained from Procurement Services. 学院将为旅客报销合理的行李费. 旅客购买的航班、旅行或其他保险不予赔偿. 提前或早鸟登记费用不予报销. 旅客选择替代的公共交通工具, such as by train, 是否仅限于成本最低价格可比的经济舱机票.
2. 里程: Expenses for private auto mileage to and from the airport or otherwise incurred by the driver in conjunction with the Overnight 旅行 will be computed at the mileage reimbursement rate in use by the College on the date of travel and are reimbursable as follows:
  • The mileage from the traveler’s 赌钱app可以微信提现 work location to the travel destination if traveling from 赌钱app可以微信提现 work location; or
  • 如果从家里出发,从旅行者的家到旅行目的地的里程.
对于距离赌钱app可以微信提现工作地点超过500英里的旅行, travelers electing to utilize private automobile transportation should complete the Private Auto Reimbursement Worksheet prior to the trip. 旅行者必须计算与替代旅行方法相关的估计成本. Reimbursement will be limited to the costs associated with traveling via the lowest priced comparable coach airfare.
3. Ground 运输: Reasonable ground transportation (e.g.(机场班车、公共交通、拼车申请或出租车费用)将得到报销. Reasonable rental car expenses are reimbursable; however, 保险或其他可选择的额外费用将不予报销.
4. College Vehicles and Fuel Purchases: 使用jcc拥有的车辆进行实地考察和其他学院业务可能是一个选择. For information, contact Campus Services. 只有联委会拥有的车辆和租赁的汽车才可报销汽油费用.
5. Traffic Violations: 因使用私家车而违反交通规则的费用, College vehicles, 或租用车辆是旅客的责任, and is not reimbursable by the College.

B. 住宿. 合理的酒店或其他住宿安排的费用可报销. 如有需要,可通过会议网站预订酒店. When traveler is accompanied by a companion, 住宿费用按单一费率或实际费用报销, whichever is less. Reimbursement for lodging within a 50-mile radius of the employee’s 赌钱app可以微信提现 work location will be allowed only when pre-approved by Procurement Services as a necessary part of a conference or meeting. 每个旅行者都有责任确保任何住宿是足够的, 安全且符合所有适用的赌钱app可以微信提现旅行政策和操作程序. 就像旅行者和住宿实体或个人之间直接建立的任何住宿一样, 学院将不负责或参与任何因停留而产生的争议.

C. Daily Allowance for Meals and Incidental Expenses. 学院将以每日津贴(per diem)的方式报销餐费和杂费, 根据总务管理局(GSA)公布的费率. The daily allowance will be prorated on the first and last day of College-related travel based on time of departure and return. Incidental expenses (e.g., meal gratuities, 零食, hot and cold beverages, 糖果, 口香糖, and fees and tips given to porters, baggage carriers, 和酒店员工)都包含在每日津贴中,因此不能单独报销. 过夜旅行期间的餐费和杂费不需要分项收据. If meals are provided at no charge to the traveler, 每日津贴将相应减少.

D. Registration Fees. 出席会议的费用是可报销的费用.

E. Miscellaneous Expenses.

1. 收费: 高速公路、收费公路和过桥费是可以报销的.
2. Airport and Other Parking: Airport parking will be reimbursed at long-term parking rates unless circumstances justify more expensive alternate parking as approved by the traveler's budget administrator.
3. 税收: The College is exempt from sales tax within Kansas. A copy of 赌钱app可以微信提现’s state of Kansas tax exemption form can be obtained from Accounts Payable for use when traveling in the state of Kansas. 在其他州支付的旅行相关费用的销售税将得到报销.
4. Internet and Telephone Charges: Internet and telephone service expenses related to and reasonably required to conduct College business while traveling are reimbursable.
5. Personal Services or Items: 杂志, 报纸, 洗衣, 干洗, 电影, 或任何其他个人服务或物品是不可报销的,也不得从赌钱app可以微信提现旅游卡中扣除. 个人服务和物品必须由旅行者直接支付. The costs of conference excursions/events (e.g., tours, golf, etc.) outside the normal registration fee are considered personal items and will not be prepaid or reimbursable by the College.

6. 小费: Gratuities for meals and tips given to porters, baggage carriers, 酒店工作人员是每日津贴的一部分,因此不能单独报销. Reasonable gratuities (i.e., no more than 20% of the price or fee) related to other types of reimbursable expenses (such as ground transportation) are reimbursable.

3. 旅行 Expense Payment Options:

The traveler is generally responsible for making all necessary reservations related to the trip after receiving notification that the 旅行 Request has been fully approved. 旅行者可以使用以下方法预订旅行:

A. 赌钱app可以微信提现 旅行 Credit Card. The College may issue a 赌钱app可以微信提现 旅行 Card in the traveler’s name which allows approved reimbursable expenses to be charged to the 旅行 Card and billed directly to the College. With the exception of certain group travel, 通常是通过学院的官方旅行社预订的, 旅行费用应该用学生自己的学院签发的旅行卡预订和支付. Any non-reimbursable, 未经批准的, or undocumented expenses charged to a 旅行 Card are the personal responsibility of the traveler and must be repaid to the College.

B. Payment by the 旅行er. Expenses paid for by the traveler will not be eligible for reimbursement until after the trip is completed and the 旅行 Expense Report is submitted to the College with all required receipts and documentation.

IV. 旅行 Expense Report and Reimbursement:

Within 30 days following the return from a trip, 旅行者必须在学院的旅行和费用报销系统中提交旅行费用报告. The amount and justification for each expense must be approved by the appropriate supervisor and budget administrator(s). 应付账款可能需要额外的批准. 旅行者必须在旅行费用报告中提交所有可报销费用的明细收据, other than meals and incidental expenses, which are included in the daily allowance. 不接受信用卡对账单代替明细收据. 如果旅客丢失或没有收到详细的收据, they must complete a Missing Receipt Affidavit, available in the College’s travel and expense reimbursement system; otherwise the reimbursement will be reduced by an amount equal to the value of any missing itemized receipt(s). The College reserves the right to refuse reimbursement in the event of excessive submissions of Missing Receipt Affidavits, 基于使用的次数或金额.

V. Other Factors Affecting Reimbursement:

A. 个人旅游. 如果旅行的一部分在旅行开始或结束时被归类为个人, the day of departure is defined as the period not to exceed 24 hours prior to the official start of a conference or meeting. The day of return is defined as the period not to exceed 24 hours after the official end of a conference or meeting.

B. Grants and Contracts. 旅行ers whose travel expenses are to be charged to a grant or contract must follow College procedures unless specific terms of the sponsored agreement further limit expenditures.

VI. 例外: Exceptions to this Operating Procedure may be approved by a vice president over Finance and Administrative Services or designee.

Signature on File in Policy Office

Date of Adoption: